
Old Homestead in Benson, Utah


JasonWatterson said...

Actually, the home still stands. It has been sold out of the family in the last decade. I will post a picture when I can. Jason Watterson (Great, great grandson of John Rees).

JasonWatterson said...

Thank you for the great site!

Heidi said...

I married John Rees' great grandson and we lived in the home and now live next door to it. It still stands. Sadly we had to sell it.

Meri said...

It would be great if you would post some pictures of it- along with the address for anyone wanting to drive by it.

Unknown said...

I will talk to Perry tonight. The picture above looks like uncle Jesse's house (a Rees) but the original homestead was torn down. The foundation is still there next to the current Rees house on the corner in Benson.

Unknown said...

Hi Heidi. I am Perry Rees' daughter in law. I would love to stop by sometime and meet you.